Seeding for year end tournaments--7u, all 9u divisions and 11u, News (Western Ontario Baseball Association)

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Jul 16, 2024 | WOBA Secretary | 522 views
Seeding for year end tournaments--7u, all 9u divisions and 11u
This is a reminder that scores are to be reported by this weekend (July 19th weekend) for seeding consideration for year end tournaments for the 7u, all 9u and 11u divisions.  

At the last AGM the executive and board reduced the number of games for seeding purposes from 12 to 10.  There is a large percentage of teams that have not attained or reported their 10 as of today, July 16th.  If games are played this weekend please have the coach report the scores so we can include them in the seeding calculations.

Our goal is to have the information put together for convenors by the following weekend so that they can communicate with teams and organize schedules.

A complete list of seeding deadlines for other divisions may be found on the home page of our website.