Upon Completion of the Tournament, WOBA Championship Tournaments (Western Ontario Baseball Association)
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WOBA Championship Tournaments
Organization Home
Table of Contents
Purpose of this Manual
Tournament Time Line Checklist
WOBA Centre Rep's Responsibilities
Tournament Convenor's Responsibilities
Game Starter/Field Supervisor Responsibilites
Venue & Game Scheduling
Banner & Medallions
Emergency Action Plan (EAP)
Team withdrawing
Tournament Weekend
Game/tournament Fees
Day of the Tournament
When are Extra Innings Played?
Game Protest or Appeal
Ejection from a Game
General Incident Reporting
Injured Participants
Upon Completion of the Tournament
Schedule Formats
Pool Play
Double Elimination
Tournament Rules
7U Minor Rookie FUN Year-end Tournament
9U Tier 1 & 2 Doug Wolfe Rookie Championship Tournament
9U Tier 3 Doug Wolfe Rookie Championship Tournament
Pitching Machine Rules for Rookie Ball
Pitching & Arm Care Rules: 10U and Older
10U Stewart Mosquito Championship Tournament
11U Stewart Mosquito Championship Tournament
12U/13U Ron Pegg Peewee Championship Tournament
15U Doc Miller Bantam Championship Tournament
18U Noreen Brodie Midget Championship Tournament Rules
WOBA Championship Tournaments
Upon Completion of the Tournament
Upon Completion of the Tournament
The following guide may be helpful for wrapping up after the
Championship Game
Check field conditions, diamond and dug out for debris or forgotten equipment.
Complete the
on-line Convenor's report(
This form is to be completed upon completion of the tournament. It is your opportunity to address concerns and relay on information.
If not already done during the tournament.. report w
ithin 48 hours after the tournament
of all ejection and incidents, concerns and issues with coaches and teams to the
WOBA Secretary, Vice-Presidents and Umpire in Chief.
Inform the WOBA Secretary/webmaster of the final results for posting on the affiliate website
Assemble completed game log, score sheets, sign-in sheets, pitch count logs and any additional information relevant for the tournament and provide to local BOD rep.
Local BOD rep to submit tournament documentation at next WOBA BOD meeting.