a) The Board of Directors shall consist of all members of the Executive and one (1) Representative from each Municipality in good standing. Municipalities with Tier 1 & Tier 2 attend all meetings. Municipalities with Tier 3 attend 1st Board of Directors meeting, a scheduling meeting, classification and the AGM. They are welcome to attend all meetings if they wish. All Executive may cast one vote, all Board of Directors may cast one vote per Municipality and only if present. There will be only one vote per Municipality when awarding tournaments and year end honours. The members of the Board of Directors are to share the minutes and business of the BOD meetings with their local executive and coaches.
a) A quorum of the Board of Directors shall consist of representatives of five or more baseball associations of WOBA in good standing at a meeting as stated in Appendix 8 Important Dates.
b) Unless otherwise specified in the Constitution, By-Laws or Rules of the Association, all Motions brought before any meeting of the Executive, Board of Directors, Standing or Special Committees of the Association shall be carried by a simple majority. The Chairperson of any of the above-named committees shall vote as their conscience dictates. In the event of a tied vote the motion will be considered defeated.
c) Special Meetings shall be called by the President or by a request to the President by a majority of the Executive and/or the Board of Directors.
d) Any Municipality whose Representative fails to attend three (3) consecutive meetings shall be requested, in writing, to select a new Representative prior to the next board of Directors’ Meeting.
e) The Board of Directors shall consider and make changes as required to the Appendices to the WOBA Constitution and to the By-Laws of the WOBA, including, but not limited to, the special playing rules which shall govern play in WOBA league games and WOBA-only tournaments. Such rules and by-laws may set aside or change the rulings of the OBA where such changes are deemed to promote the growth of baseball within the WOBA. No rule once changed may be changed again in the calendar year without unanimous consent by the Board of Directors.