Appendix 2 - Discipline Process, WOBA Handbook (Western Ontario Baseball Association)

PrintAppendix 2 - Discipline Process

Appendix 2


Discipline Policy


Discipline:     Guidelines for discipline are as follows:


1)  Minor Infractions:  Team members (player, coach or other team official) may be ejected from a game for minor infractions such as foul language or un-sportsmanlike conduct.


a.   The first such ejection shall be subject to a one game suspension in addition to the game in which the infraction occurs.


b.   After the second such ejection, the team member will be automatically suspended for 2 games.


c.    Upon receiving a third and any subsequent ejection in any season, the team member will be subject to a minimum 2 game suspension.  In addition, the offending team member will have his case reviewed by the WOBA Discipline Committee and the Discipline Committee may impose such penalty as they see fit up to suspension for the remainder of that playing season and playoffs.


2)  Profanity:  If a word or phrase that is uttered during a game by any team member is deemed to be profane or offensive by any member of the umpiring crew, and if such profanity is deemed to have been audible to any spectator, then the Umpire shall call time and deliver a warning to both teams.  Any subsequent profanity will result in an immediate ejection subject to the penalties for a minor infraction as per 1) above.


3)  Major Infractions:  If ejected for uttering a racial slur, fighting, a deliberate attempt to injure, gross misconduct, verbal abuse or aggressive physical interaction involving umpires, coaches players or spectators, a mandatory 3 game suspension will be imposed.  Upon receiving a second major suspension, in addition to the mandatory 3 game suspension, the offending team member will have his case reviewed by the WOBA Discipline Committee and the Discipline Committee may impose such penalty as they see fit up to and including suspension for the remainder of that playing season and playoffs.


4)  Combinations of major and minor infractions:  If a player receives first a major suspension followed by a minor suspension or vice versa, the penalty shall be the penalty for a second occurrence of the second infraction.


5)  Any player, coach or other team official, or member of a local association who deliberately breaks or contravenes any rule approved by the WOBA, whether in its own Constitution or accepted as a rule by the WOBA can be guilty of a gross infraction.  The case will be heard by the WOBA Discipline Committee under the same criteria as a major infraction.  The Committee will pass their recommendations to a specially convened Executive meeting for final determination.  Any decision made by the Executive will remain in effect until ratified by the next Board of Directors meeting.


6)  For any discipline issues that are not covered by sections 1,2,3,4,5 the following procedure is to be used:


        1.      A written complaint approved and signed by the WOBA Local Association Board of Directors Representative and the appropriate Vice President must be submitted within 5 days of any alleged incident to the President who will forward it on to the Discipline Committee for review.  If the complaint is against the President then it must be directed to the appropriate Vice President for referral to the Discipline Committee


        2.      The Discipline Committee will contact the accused person for a written response to the charges.


         3.      The Discipline Committee will report their findings and recommendations to the next BOD meeting where it will be voted on for final disposition.  There is no WOBA appeal of this decision.


7)  Notifications (For Discipline Issues 1-5 above):


a)  Any complaint requiring disciplinary action must be filed with the WOBA Secretary within fourteen days of the occurrence of the offense.  The Secretary will forward the complaint to the appropriate Vice-President.  Late submissions will not be accepted.


 b)  The coach of the team which has had any team member ejected shall suspend the player for the minimum suspension as per the rule above.  Any subsequent action by the Vice-President will either confirm or increase the suspension.


c)  Any game infractions resulting in ejections must be reported by the umpire to the Secretary within 48 hours of the ejection.


d)  The Secretary will within 24 hours of receiving the complaint inform the appropriate WOBA Vice-President.


e)  The responsible Vice-President shall determine whether or not the ejection merits review by the Discipline Committee as per rules 1-5 above.  If no Discipline Committee review is required, the Vice-President shall call the coach of the offending team to confirm the penalty.


f)  If a Discipline Committee review is necessary the Vice-President of the division shall, at his discretions, interview anyone involved in the complaint.  The Discipline Committee will meet to decide whether any further action is required.  The Vice-President will notify the coach of the offending team of any penalty imposed by the Discipline Committee.


8)  Failure to Comply:  The head coach for the suspended team member is responsible to provide all information regarding disciplinary actions to any teams the player is rostered with. This head coach is also responsible for reporting to the secretary a list of all games for which the suspension was served. Until these are reported the suspension is to be considered still in effect. Any coach who knowingly allows a team member to participate in a game for which he ought to be suspended according to rules 1 to 5 above shall be suspended for a minimum of 10 games and shall be subject to review by the Discipline Committee.


9)  Discipline Committee:  The responsible Vice-President shall assemble a Discipline Committee composed of him (her) self, plus the opposite division WOBA Vice-President and the opposite division Director at Large.  The decision of the Discipline Committee shall be final, but the Discipline Committee is expected, as part of its deliberations, to give the coach of the offending team an opportunity to present any mitigating factors he believes might be pertinent.


10)  Conflict of Interest:  No Discipline Committee member shall sit on any suspension deliberations if they are in a position of conflict of interest.  They are expected to declare conflict of interest situations such as, but not limited to:


a.      They are a member of the offending team.


b.     They are a member of the other team involved in the game.


c.      They are involved in a tournament in which the offending team is also participating.


d.     Any other condition that the Executive member involved believes would constitute a conflict of interest.


In the event there is a declared conflict of interest, the WOBA President shall determine the composition of the Discipline Committee and may choose to replace the conflicted member or to find another Executive member to serve on the committee.


11)   Appeals Procedure:  An appeal is heard strictly on the basis of an error in the interpretation of the rules.  Umpire’s judgment is not basis for an appeal.  The Umpire and opposing coach must be advised of your decision to appeal before the ‘next pitch’ and it should be recorded on the back of the game card.  The WOBA Secretary must receive the completed form and a $50 cheque payable to WOBA within 24 hours of the game in question.  The decision to hear the appeal will be based strictly on compliance with providing all of the required information listed below.  All additional information will be welcome at the time of the hearing, if the committee determines it is warranted.  Should there be no basis for appeal, or inadequate facts and details provided as required, you will be advised in writing, thanking you for your $50 donation to the association.  Please remember that ejection from a game is the umpire’s decision, based on conduct of the ejected person, and in itself, not basis for appeal.



-Date and time of game



-Home team information – Manager and phone #, coach and phone #

-Visiting team information –Manager and phone #, coach and phone #

-Plate umpire – Name and phone #

-Base umpire – Name and phone #

-Game particulars – inning, score, # or outs, count on batter, runners on base

-Rule being protested and Reference #

-The reason you think the rule was incorrectly applied