Registration of Teams and Players, Appendix 1 - By-Laws of the WOBA, WOBA Handbook (Western Ontario Baseball Association)

PrintRegistration of Teams and Players

Appendix 1





These rules regarding structure of teams, schedules playoffs etc. are not to be administered by the game Umpire, but are fitting matters for the WOBA Board of Directors.  If there is a dispute about one of these rules in a game, the Umpire should be notified that the game is under protest, but the Umpire should not be asked to arbitrate the dispute.

NOTATION: At the November 2022 AGM the following motion was adopted:
1st Barb Henry 2nd Mike Klein
MOTION: That there be a 5 year pause on accepting applications to amend our handbook with respect Rep only teams and Rep only divisions as part of WOBA league play. If the majority BOD wishes to make an amendment, then application of intent must be brought forward at a BOD meeting for approval of submission for the AGM.  CARRIED


(1)  Registration of Teams and Players

a.    Before any player plays in any regular season or tournament game either within WOBA or OBA that player must have registered with their local association and the registration list forwarded to the league Registrar for addition to the roster. This applies to all teams playing WOBA schedules including Tier 2 & Tier 3 teams. For OBA REP play, an approved roster must be in place with the players name listed before that player may participate in OBA REP play. The penalty for an illegal player is the forfeiture of the game.


b.     The WOBA will consider overage players in special circumstances to allow the local enough players to field a team for the season. These players should be those judged most in need of lower caliber competition and special consideration (i.e. the least accomplished players available from the higher division). They cannot be rostered to any other team. Regardless of the number of players at the game, if over-aged players are signed, they are allowed to play in all WOBA games.


      i)       All overage players must be approved by BOD for all teams by the June Board of Directors meeting. Requests after this date may not be approved. All overage players must be approved by BOD for all teams prior to being allowed to play in any game. Only players from the minor division of the next series will be eligible.


     Effective 2016 overage players from a higher series are ineligible to play if they have not been WOBA BOD approved and will be considered as an illegal player. Any team using an ineligible or illegal player will have their games forfeited and penalties will be applied as written in Baseball Ontario’s rule book.


      ii)      Overage players may not pitch.


      iii)     The coach is required to notify the umpire and the opposing coach of an overage player.


       iv)    Overage bantam players must us a wooden/wood composite bat. If these players come to the plate using anything but a wooden/wood composite bat, they will be called out and ejected from the game for using illegal equipment.


c.        The All players signed up in the locals must play league play in the WOBA on a WOBA rostered team from 9U up. Centers are not able to create their own Loops with other Centres for their players to play in with the exception of 7u, Centers are allowed to have their own in-house league. 7U teams have the choice to play in WOBA League play or play in a Local Loop with Centers in their area.


d.          i)          For WOBA play at all levels coaches must complete the NCCP online course module Coach Initiation to Sports prior to the start of league play for the current season.  You can register to take the course at

ii)        For WOBA play at Rookie and above all coaches are recommended to also complete the online Coach Initiation in Baseball Fundamentals online course and have completed 1 or more additional NCCP course towards their “certified” status prior to the start of league play.


e.     WOBA ‘AAA’ or 'AA' team are not limited to but must primarily consist of players residing within the WOBA.  The ‘AAA’ or 'AA' roster may have up to and not exceed 16 players of which 2 players may be from an Affiliated Association.  A WOBA player who wishes to attend ‘AAA’ or 'AA' tryouts must acquire ‘Permission to Practice’ from his/her Local Municipality.  Selected ‘AAA’ or 'AA' team players will be granted a Transfer that will be in effect for the term that the player is rostered to the WOBA AAA team from their local Municipality to participate in ‘AAA’ or 'AA' league play.  A player from an Affiliated Association must provide a release from the Affiliate to be able to participate in tryout(s).

(i) These players will not be required to play WOBA play.


f.     Where a local association has 20 or more players registered in the same age/series category then they are required to roster 2 separate teams to play within WOBA for the regular season and year-end playoff series.  This does not prevent them from having one OBA roster as allowed under OBA rules with up to 25 players.


g.     In Divisions that are split between Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3 (i.e. Major Rookie) all Local Associations with 1 or more teams in these Divisions must enter a team into Tier 1.  Any successive teams may be entered into Tier 2.  Any request to deviate from this procedure must be received in writing by the WOBA Secretary in advance of the 2nd WOBA Board of Directors meeting & Pre-scheduling meeting for consideration. The BOD decision at that meeting is final and binding for that playing year.  No further appeals will be heard.


       At the 4th WOBA BOD Meeting (Classification & Commitments) standings, results etc. of all teams in both the Tier 2 and Tier 3 Divisions will be reviewed for possible movement of teams for final year-end Tournament series.  Input by teams through their local rep is to be provided at this meeting for consideration.  The WOBA Executive committee will make the final determination of team placements after reviewing the results as of July 31st.  All placements are final and are not subject to appeal.  Any team wishing to withdraw from their commitment to play the WOBA year-end tournament as a result of the placement of their team must pay a fine of $200 to the Local Association hosting that series.


h.     All locals must submit WOBA team rosters to the WOBA registrar by June 20. Any teams not submitted by this date will not be able to declare for the year end WOBA championships nor may any player not on a WOBA roster by this date be permitted to play in the WOBA championships. Minor changes are still permitted after this date such as for player movements.