7U Specific Rules for League Play, Appendix 6 Special Playing Rules, WOBA Handbook (Western Ontario Baseball Association)

Print7U Specific Rules for League Play

WOBA 7U Minor Rookie (ages 6 & 7) League Specific Rules

Revised 2017


1.  Major Rookie players may not play on a Minor Rookie team.  All overage players must be approved by the WOBA before they are allowed to play for any season or league game on a Minor Rookie team.

2.   Major Rookie age players are not permitted to play on a Minor Rookie team, overage approvals excepted.

3.   Umpires and the opposing team coaches must be informed of all BOD approved overage players (8-year-olds) prior to the start of the game.

4.   Overage players may not play at the pitching position.

5.   Closed toe shoes must be worn by all players as well as the operator of the pitching machine.

6.  The use of any baseball listed on the OBA website as recommended/recognized baseball for 8u and under. (e.g. TVB850, 45cc ROTB1) will be used for all league play.

7.   With the use of either the "Incrediball" or the “Atec Tuffy” it is optional for the coach operating the pitching machine to wear a regulation batting helmet. If they do not wear a helmet they do so at their own risk.

8.   Additional defensive field coaches may be present on the field beyond the bases and base paths. They cannot interfere with or obstruct the play.

9.   Games are as many innings as possible with no new inning starting after 75 minutes of play and finishing within the 90 minute (1.5 hour) maximum time limit.

10. Batter will receive up to a maximum of 5 strikes as called by the umpire. OBA Rule RQ2.3(h)

11. Every batter puts the ball into play.  After 5 strikes the batter may hit off a tee. Not more than one base will be awarded to all runners for a hit off the tee. There are no strike outs.

12. All players on the bench may play on the field. Outfielders must be a minimum of 15 ft behind the bases and base paths. The Infield may have a maximum of 7 players.  The 7th being a second pitcher position on the opposite side of the pitcher position and must adhere to the same safety requirements as the pitcher.

13. Base runners cannot leave the base until the batter makes contact with the ball. No lead off permitted. One warning will be issued and for any further infractions thereafter, the runner will be called out.  Each team will receive one warning.

14. When a batted ball remains in the infield, a runner may only advance one base.  This includes any overthrows to any base, the pitcher or force outs on the bases.

15. When a batted ball is hit to the outfield the runners may advance to the next base or bases at their own risk until the ball has returned to the infield. If a runner is more than halfway to the next base, they may advance with the risk of being thrown out.  If they are not halfway, they must return to the base they just occupied without risk of being put out.

16.  Runners are not allowed to steal any base or home.  Runs can only be scored when a ball is batted into play.

17. An inning will be 4 runs or 3 outs, whichever occurs first.

18.  All players must bat.

19. No open inning in league play.

20.  No mercy rule.

21. Coaches have the option to have a courtesy runner for catcher.

22.  Infield fly rule does not apply.

23. A single white base is to be used at first base only and not a contrast-coloured (orange) double base.

24. In the event of lightning, play is to cease immediately. The Umpires will instruct resumption of game.

25. Report game scores via the OneDB www.theonedb.com web-link 

26. IMPORTANT Report all injuries immediately to Baseball Ontario  www.playoba.ca CLICK in Safe Sports tab, Insurance