2.11 Termination – Membership in the Corporation will terminate immediately upon:
a) The expiration of the Member’s membership, unless renewed in accordance with these By-laws;
b) The Member fails to maintain any of the qualifications or conditions of membership described in Section 2.1 of these By-laws;
c) Resignation by the Member by giving written notice to the Corporation;
d) Dissolution of the Corporation;
e) A decision made by the Board (or designate) or a disciplinary panel in accordance with these By-laws or the Corporation’s policies; or
f) By Ordinary Resolution of the Board, a committee of Directors, or a committee of Members (as applicable) at a duly called meeting, provided fifteen (15) days’ written notice to a Member. The notice shall set out the reasons for the termination of membership. The Member receiving the notice shall be entitled to give a written submission opposing the termination not less than five (5) days before the end of the 15-day period. The Board, committee of Directors, or committee of Members (as applicable) shall consider the written submission of the Member before making a final decision regarding the termination of membership.