4.25 Empowered, Powers of the Board, Article IV GOVERNANCE, WOBA By-Laws (Western Ontario Baseball Association)

Print4.25 Empowered

4.25               Empowered – The Board is empowered, including but not limited to:

a)       Make policies and procedures or manage the affairs of the Corporation for the purpose of furthering the objects and purposes of the Corporation in accordance with the Act and these By-laws;

b)      Make policies and procedures relating to the discipline of Members and Participants, and have the authority to discipline Members and Participants in accordance with such policies and procedures;

c)       Make policies and procedures relating to the management of disputes within the Corporation and deal with disputes in accordance with such policies and procedures;

d)      Employ or engage under contract such persons as it deems necessary to carry out the work of the Corporation;

e)      Appoint Coordinators with duties and responsibilities as described by the Board;

f)        Determine registration procedures, determine membership fees, and determine other registration requirements;

g)       Enable the Corporation to receive donations, benefits, bequests, distribution of investment capital and income for the purpose of furthering the objects and purposes of the Corporation;

h)      Make expenditures for the purpose of furthering the objects and purposes of the Corporation;

i)        Invest funds for the purpose of furthering the objects and purposes of the Corporation;

j)        Manage the Corporation’s assets and resources expenditures for the purpose of furthering the objects and purposes of the Corporation;

k)       Borrow money upon the credit of the Corporation as it deems necessary in accordance with these By-laws; and

l)        Perform any other duties from time to time as may be in the best interests of the Corporation.