9.1 Voting, Amendments, Article IX AMENDMENT OF BY-LAWS, WOBA By-Laws (Western Ontario Baseball Association)

Print9.1 Voting

9.1               Voting – Subject to Article XIII (when applicable), these By-laws may only be amended, revised, repealed or added to by:

a)       Ordinary Resolution of the Board. The new, amended, or revised By-law is effective until the next meeting of the Members and, except for those amendments that are considered fundamental changes, the voting Members may confirm, reject or amend the By-laws by Ordinary Resolution. A new, amended, or revised By-law that is not ratified by the Members ceases to have effect and no new By-law of the same or like substance has any effect until ratified at a meeting of the Members; or

b)      A Member entitled to vote who may make a proposal to make, amend, or repeal a By-law in accordance with the Act which requires at least sixty (60) days’ notice. The new, amended, or repealed By-law will be submitted to the Members at the next meeting of Members and, except for those amendments that are considered fundamental changes, the voting Members may confirm, reject or amend the By-laws by Ordinary Resolution.