13.1 Fundamental Changes – A Special Resolution (2/3rds) of voting Members is required to make the following fundamental changes to the By-laws or articles of the Corporation. Fundamental Changes are defined as follows:
a) Change the Corporation’s name;
b) Add, change or remove any restriction on the activities that the Corporation may carry on;
c) Create a new category of Members;
d) Change a condition required for being a Member;
e) Change the designation of any category of Members or add, change or remove any rights and conditions of any such category;
f) Divide any category of Members into two or more categories and fix the rights and conditions of each category;
g) Add, change or remove a provision respecting the transfer of a membership;
h) Increase or decrease the number of, or the minimum or maximum number of, Directors;
i) Change the purposes of the Corporation;
j) Change to whom the property remaining on liquidation after the discharge of any liabilities of the Corporation is to be distributed;
k) Change the manner of giving notice to Members entitled to vote at a meeting of Members;
l) Change the method of voting by Members not in attendance at a meeting of the Members; or
m) Add, change or remove any other provision that is permitted by the Act.