OBA Classification-New form to be completed by all OBA teams, News (Western Ontario Baseball Association)

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Jun 23, 2018 | WOBA Secretary | 2540 views
OBA Classification-New form to be completed by all OBA teams
This information is for locals that have rostered OBA rep teams.  This information does not apply to WOBA league teams or SELECT teams.

Baseball Ontario has a new form that every OBA rep team must complete for classification.

It is found on the OBA website under the tab “Tournaments” <”2018 Classification”  < “Team Classification Report”

LINK:  https://www.baseballontario.com/filestore/htmleditattachedfiles/team_classification_report_-_final2018-06-21t15-45-06v001_by_292.xlsx 


Please complete the form, save as an excel file or PDF and include your team name as part of the saved name (example:  team_classification_report_-_final2018-06-18t15-56-33v001_by_292— Hanover  Peewee )  If you have rostered a minor team please include the word “minor” in the saved name.  That way there is less confusion when it is processed for the office.  Email Annette, the WOBA Secretry your excel file or PDF by July 4th at NOON

WOBA's Classification meeting is the evening of July 4th and if your team has not provided a completed classification form they will not be classified for OBA Championships. 

Teams that classify and decide at a later date to withdraw are subject to a $500 fine payable to Baseball Ontario.

The OBA Rep Council meeting is July 22nd at which time it will be decided if and who is required to have play downs.