Rowan's Law: Phase 2 Requirements Now in Effect!, News (Western Ontario Baseball Association)

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Jan 21, 2022 | WOBA Secretary | 434 views
Rowan's Law: Phase 2 Requirements Now in Effect!
TO: Local and Affiliated Associations
FROM: Baseball Ontario
DATE: January 21, 2022 
SUBJECT:  Rowan's Law Requirements, Phase 2








Local and Affiliated Associations

Baseball Ontario

January 21, 2022

Rowan's Law Requirements, Phase 2




Additional rules under the Law came into effect January 1, 2022

Rules requiring the establishment of Removal-from-Sport and Designated Persons are now in effect.


What these means for your association:


Sport organizations must implement Rowan's Law Policies and Procedures, the latest of which include:


· Removal From Sport Policy

· Designated Person Policy


Baseball Ontario recently adopted, for its own use, these policies as required under the Law. Each association must have its own polices approved by its board of directors. Associations may choose to adopt the Baseball Ontario policies for use within their organization, or draft their own.



The government of Ontario provides resources and information with respect to these new requirements on its website, including sample policies.



As always, if you require assistance to ensure your association is in compliance with Rowan's Law as mandated by the Government of Ontario, please reach out and our Safe Sport team and staff will be happy to help!