January 23
Select Council Rules meeting VOIP @ 7pm
January 30
Rep Council Rules meeting VOIP after OBA AGM
February 24
WOBA Elected Board meeting VOIP @ 7:00pm
February 27 |
Thursday |
Select Council meeting VOIP @ 7:00pm
March 3
1st WOBA Board & Executive meeting, VOIP @ 7:15pm
March 13
Rep Council meeting VOIP @ 7:00pm
March 31 $ $
Deadline: Outstanding bonds and fines to be paid up so that local teams can schedule & play season—WOBA Treasurer-Andrew Warwick
April 7
2nd WOBA Board & Executive meeting & Pre-scheduling meeting VOIP @ 7:15pm
April 15 |
Monday |
Draft submission of OBA REP rosters due, or 7 days before your first game. Pre-classification is due at time of draft submission. |
April 16-17
OBA Exhibition Loop Scheduling meeting: OBA and Select team
VOIP @ 7:15pm, we will assign division times
April 21 |
Monday |
Deadline: Preliminary OBA Rep rosters
April 27
League Scheduling meeting. Recommended that All coaches attend in person.
KinStation @ Listowel
April 28 |
Monday |
Deadline: Pre-classification of OBA Rep rosters
May 1
Schedule may begin
May 2 |
Thursday |
Deadline: Locals to submit all preliminary WOBA league rosters to WOBA Registrar for review prior to upload of rosters to arm care app |
May 8 |
Thursday |
Rep Council meeting VOIP @ 7:00pm
May 5 or 12 TBD
Tentative WOBA Board & Executive meeting VOIP @ 11:00am
May 24 |
Saturday |
Deadline: All OBA Rep rosters due on Baseballshift-Locals to submit
May 31
Deadline: Finalized OBA Rep rosters due to office
NOTE: Pre-classification required for all teams. Teams not pre-classified will be assigned a classification by OBA.
June 1 |
Sunday |
Deadline: All preliminary OBA Select team rosters for WOBA Registrar review |
June 1
Last day to apply for league overage player approval, to WOBA Secretary
June 2
3rd WOBA Board & Executive meeting, VOIP @ 7:15pm
Deadline: Final WOBA league rosters due, for final upload to arm care app |
June 15 |
Sunday |
Deadline: declaration of Intentions to attend OBA Rep Provincials due to WOBA Administration. Senior teams and 8u/9u Rep teams to provide TCR form to WOBA Secretary
(NOTE: OBA office will contact Select teams directly)
June 15
Deadline: Insurance coverage application-apply & pay online
June 20 |
Friday |
Deadline: Locals to Finalized OBA Select rosters for final review by WOBA Registrar
June 30
Deadline: Finalized OBA Select rosters due to office
July 7
4th WOBA Board & Executive meeting, VOIP @7:15pm
League Year-end Tournament Commitment-forms due for all teams (online form Opens April 19 and closes July 4)
July 18
Deadline: All outstanding 7u & 9u Rookie scores must be reported for WOBA League Championship Tournament team seeding
July 18
Deadline: All outstanding 11u scores must be re-ported for WOBA League Championship Tournament team seeding
July 20
Rep Classification meeting- OBA teams will be notified after this meeting of team classification results.
Period beginning Post classification
OBA Qualifier playdowns begin ...if necessary. Qualifier Tourney Civic Weekend for divisions with multiple teams.
To be completed by 2nd Tuesday in August
July 25
Deadline: All outstanding 15u scores must be reported for WOBA League Championship Tournament team seeding
Aug 1 till Sept 5 |
5 weeks |
OPEN online Nomination forms for WOBA Awards: Player of the year, Coach of the year, Volunteer of the year, Team of the year, Umpire of the year. |
Aug 1-4
OBA Rep Qualifier tournament/playdowns
August 1
Deadline: All outstanding 13u scores must be reported for WOBA League Championship Tournament team seeding
August 8-10
All Rookie, North & South Championship
(7u will be Aug 9-10)
August 8-10
11u South only
August 10
Deadline: All outstanding 18u scores must be reported for WOBA League Championship Tournament team seeding
August 15-17
11u North only
August 15-17
15u WOBA Championships
Week of Aug 18
11u North vs South WOBA Championship Game
August 22-24
13u WOBA Championship
August 29 - Sept 1st |
Weekend |
OBA Rep and Select Provincials for 10u to 16u
(all other divisions check OBA calendar for August dates) |
September 2-7
18u WOBA Championship
September 5 |
Friday |
Last day to submit online nominations for WOBA Awards |
September 5 |
Friday |
Deadline: OBA Constitutional Amendments & OBA Award Nominations to Baseball Ontario OBA 1.08(a.i)
Last day to submit Amendments for OBA Select/Rep Rules
Submit to WOBA Secretary for review at Sept Board/Executive meeting
September 8
5th WOBA Board & Executive meeting VOIP @ 7:15pm
September 11 |
Thursday |
Rep Council meeting VOIP @ 7:00pm
October 3
Last day to submit amendments for WOBA constitution
Submit to WOBA Secretary
October 6
6th WOBA Board & Executive meeting VOIP @ 7:15 pm
October |
Weekend |
OBA Convention-Location TBD
November 2 |
Sunday |
WOBA AGM and League Awards Presentations (in-person)
KinStation @ Listowel |
November 10
7th WOBA Board & Executive meeting VOIP @ 7:15pm
December 11 |
Thursday |
Rep Council meeting VOIP @ 7:00pm