Interested in Umpiring Local Baseball?
If you are interested in umpiring youth baseball contact Allyn Ward, WOBA's Umpire In Chief or your Local's umpire supervisor.
Visit and check out the umpire tab for instruction on how to set up a profile on th e OnDeck app, and register for the online comoponent and in-person training camp. An umpire only requires to set up a profile one time on the OnDeck app. An identification number will be provided and the umpire refers to their identification number for all future registrations.
Once on your OnDeck app check out the Umpire Zone section for information with respect to rules, positioning, and screening requirements for adult umpires.
Youth umpires may only umpire age divisions younger than they are themselves.
Example: 13 year-olds would umpire rookie and mosquito divisions.
Need Some Umpiring Advice? Have an Umpiring Question?
All local umpires & coaches are encouraged to contact WOBA's Umpire in Chief, Allyn Ward, for umpiring question or concerns.
Reporting An Ejection Of Player Or Coach:
In the event a coach or player is ejected from a game, the umpire is required to complete an 'Umpire's Ejection Form 'within 48 hours of the infraction. Form is located under the homepage tab "Online Forms".
Please see WOBA Rule Book Appendix 2, Discipline Policy for the guidelines for discipline of Minor Infractions such as foul language or un-sportsmanlike conduct. This can be located in the online handbook under the "Manuals" tab.
Contact the WOBA Secretary and complete either the ejection form or the general incident form within 48 hours of the infraction. The person submitting the form will receive a copy as well as the WOBA secretary and the WOBA UIC.
ANYONE CAN Report A General Incident:
In the event a coach, player or spectator behaves inappropriately anywhere in the park during a game, it is a responsibility to complete the general incident report form. This includes use of liquor, profanity, physical or verbal abuse, fighting, and deliberate attempt to injure and for all requests of police or security. Any person may report a general incident to the WOBA.
Within 48 hours of an incident complete an 'Incident Report Form' and submit to the WOBA Secretary. Form is located under the homepage tab "Online Forms". A committee will determine, based on the completed incident report, whether it merits review and or discipline.
Incident reports will be treated as anonymous. A name and contact must be provided in the event clarity of information is required.
When in doubt with any infraction contact the WOBA Umpire in Chief or WOBA Elected Board member.
Baseball Ontario Umpire Certification Level System
What's it all about?
Many questions arise as to how an umpire goes about obtaining a certain level of certification. The chart below outlines the requirements to obtain and to maintain umpire certification in Ontario.
Maintaining Status
Attend a Level 1 in-person camp
Complete the online learning modules
All levels of House League and up to and including Peewee OBA
Complete yearly module
Attend yearly camp |
Have a Level 1 for a min. of 2 years
Attend a Level 2 in-person camp
Complete the online learning modules
Provincial Level Baseball up to and including 18U
Complete yearly module
Attend Clinic Yearly
Have a Level 2 for a min. of 3 years
Submit a Level 3 online yearly Exam or e-learning task and attend a Level 3 camp every three years
Complete the online learning tasks yearly
All Levels of Provincial Baseball
1 base and 1 plate evaluation recommended
Submit an exam
Submit registration fee yearly.
Attend a Camp every 3 years. (no exam on camp year)
Have a Level 3 for a min. of 1 year
Attend a Level 4 Clinic, by invitation only
(need to be evaluated first)
Obtain 86% or more
All Levels of Baseball in Canada
Successfully complete 1 base and 1 plate evaluation
Attend Clinics Yearly, complete exam, and complete base and plate evaluation yearly
Have a Level 4 for a min. of 1 year
Attend a Level 4 Clinic by invitation
Obtain 86% or more
All Levels of International Baseball
Successfully complete 1 base and 1 plate evaluation
Attend Clinics Yearly, complete exam, and complete base and plate evaluation yearly