Mar 11, 2020 | WOBA Secretary | 747 views
Baseball Ontario-Inside Pitch Newsletter
Mar-11-2020 Keeping the baseball community informed.
This week - Summer Games, Blue Jays Clinics,
Covid-19 Travel Update for Teams, Hosts required for Championships and more...
2020 Ontario Summer Games
The City of London is host to the 2020 Ontario Summer Games July 30 through August 2nd!
Baseball Ontario runs a 12-team Affiliate All Star tournament as part of this event. Draws have been completed and the draft schedule posted!
Blue Jays
Instructional Clinics!

The Blue Jays Baseball Academy is excited to announce that registration is now open for their 2020 Instructional Clinics!
This year they will be hosting 21 Instructional Clinics throughout Ontario, some of which are returning locations, and many new exciting locations. If they are not returning to your community this year, they hope to see you at a clinic nearby!


Looking for Hosts for the Remaining 2020 Rep Provincials
13U AAA Girls
14U AAA Girls
Women's AAA
8U B


Looking for Hosts for the Remaining '20 Select Provincials

Note: With the change to rule RP4.01 y) in Jan. 2020, this 18U AAA Rep Provincial is now back on the 2020 Slate.Any teams participating in the 18U Rep Eliminations will not be eligible to participate in the 18U AAA Rep Provincials being held on the weekend of August 14th – 16th, 2020.


Baseball Canada’s Instructional Videos and Vlog Series continues with Season 5! Check out the latest edition on Pitchers Leg Elevation Phase!



Re: Covid-19 and
out of Country Travel
As of March 6, 2020, travel coverage may be restricted as a result of this pandemic.



Caledon Minor Baseball is looking for more teams for their 11U AA and 18U AA sanctioned tournaments in July! 3 game guarantee, MVP, Trophies for finalists/ champs!


Attention local associations!
On Friday, March 6th we sent out a memo with an immediate call to action regarding Dual/Central Registration and Rowan's Law requirements for 2020. In case you missed it:

All Deadlines/Tasks/Events/ Reminders can be found on our Baseball Ontario Calendar of Events.Remember to visit frequently!
· Select Council Meeting March 22, 10am
· 17U Youth Team Tryout #1, April 17-19
· Combined Meeting of Rep, Select & Management Board April 19
· 17U Youth Team Tryout #2, April 24-26