Jun 03, 2020 | WOBA Secretary | 1009 views
Return to Baseball Protocols, Around the Horn, and 2021 Canada Games...
-Here's what's happening this week!
Around the Horn tonight (Wednesday nights) at 8pm. Join in for discussion with pitching instructors...
Baseball Ontario is pleased to be releasing to the baseball stakeholders in Ontario a draft Return to Baseball Protocol dated June 3, 2020 (the "Draft Protocol").
In the Draft Protocol, we look forward to the day when the Province of Ontario, municipal governments and public health authorities deem it safe for in-person baseball activities to resume in Ontario.Once finalized, the Draft Protocol will honour Baseball Ontario's promise to you to be ready for reopening as soon as it is allowed by government and health authorities.
Join us as we welcome 4 of the top pitching instructors in the game to our Arouund the Horn Zoom Webinar tonight:
Fred Corral
Herry Weinstein
Dave Serrano
Shaun Cole
Tonight at 8:00pm!
Team Ontario Seeks Volunteer Staff for 2021 Canada Games
Games Ontario is working to recruit a great group of individuals to support the teams participating in the 2021 event!


BEC Drill:
The Importance of the Stride in Hitting
Coach Q!



Baseball Canada’s Instructional Videos and Vlog Season 5
continues with...
Bat Thrown in Fair Territory!

Toronto Blue Jays Rehab Pitching Coordinator and former big leaguer, David Aardsma, joined TJ Burton from the Blue Jays Baseball Academy to answer questions and provide tips on pitching.

All Deadlines/Tasks/Events/Reminders can be found on our Baseball Ontario Calendar of Events.Remember to visit frequently!
· 'Around the Horn' special edition! Pitching Round Table, June 3, 8pm
· 'Around the Horn' special edition! Hitting Round Table, June 10, 8pm
· Board of Management Meeting (Online) - June 11, 6:30pm