If you live in a Stage 3 centre, you can:
· resume full team practices (full team to mean those individuals who appear on one team roster) and those practices can include scrimmages.
· start games, however:
· Leagues (loops) must contain no more than 50 participants total. Players are not yet permitted to play against players outside of their league or group.
· Example: ICBA has 6 10U teams from Kitchener, Waterloo, Cambridge, Woodstock, Brantford and Guelph.Each team has 13 players and 3 coaches.ICBA can create 2 loops of 3 teams each, and those teams can play each other, but cannot play any of the other 3 teams in the other loop, or any other teams from any other leagues or loops.The same limit of 50 participants would apply to a local house league program and the teams within it.
· Umpires are included in the maximum of 50.
· Example: in the ICBA example above, 48 of the 50 participants in each loop will be players and coaches.That leaves 2 spots open for umpires.
· Spectators at all sporting events will be subject to gathering limits and physical distancing measures, with assigned seating where possible. Currently, we’re recommending that spectators:
· Ensure physical distance from participants and between spectators
· Spectators are encouraged to bring their own chairs for personal use or bring disinfectant wipes to clean the area where they sit. Municipalities and/or facility owners may or may not be cleaning bleachers on a regular basis.
· Spectators are encouraged not to wander to other areas of the park in which the diamond is located.
· For fall tryouts, all sessions must be restricted to 50 participants, including coaches/evaluators.Participants, including coaches/evaluators, must stay within the same group of 50 for all events.
· Facilities and shared equipment must be sanitized between tryout sessions.