Dear Ron Pegg.
The Western Ontario Baseball Association is very pleased to inform you that in recognition of your lifelong passion for baseball, work to form and nurture the WOBA and service to the OBA, the 2016 WOBA Board of Directors have named you the 1st Life Member of the WOBA.
In recognition of this Life Membership,
the WOBA has renamed its Peewee Championship Tournament to:
WOBA Championship Ron Pegg PeeWee Tournament
This will begin in 2016 and continue forward.
There are only a few participants in the WOBA today who played or worked with you Ron, but we all benefit from your love of the game and efforts to provide and support rural baseball north of highway #7. We all owe you a huge debt of gratitude.
On behalf of all the players, coaches, umpires and supporters of baseball in the WOBA we congratulate you on this Life Membership.
Best Wishes,
Barb Henry and Annette Hoggarth
Co-Presidents of the WOBA

Front Row: current Flesherton Minor Baseball youth players
Back Row: Douge Wolfe(Mitchell), Ethan Henry(Flesherton), Ron Pegg(Flesherton) Kevin Green(Flesherton)
Special Note: Ron Pegg is wearing the orginal Flesherton MBA ball cap