Stratford National Stadium Refurbishment Project, News (Western Ontario Baseball Association)

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Oct 24, 2016 | WOBA Secretary | 2575 views
Stratford National Stadium Refurbishment Project
The Stratford National Stadium was originally built in 1934 by the local railway association and is in need of some major maintenance beyond the capability of a local baseball association. 

Stratford's Minor Baseball Association has entered National Stadium in the Aviva Community Fund Grant in the Community Development $50,000 - $100,000 category. They are asking for area wide support with this project. No other baseball organization is entered in this category, in Canada. 

Please take a peek at their nomination, vote and share it out as you see fit. 


National Stadium has been in continuous operation for 82 years with many of your local teams attending for tournaments, league games and Ontario Championships. 


Please vote for their nomination as it represents 15% of the total value of their submission. 

National Stadium Refurbishment Project - Vote for us in the Aviva Community Fund