Baseball Ontario Adopts New Recognition Policy, News (Western Ontario Baseball Association)

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Jul 24, 2017 | OBA Admin | 3366 views
Baseball Ontario Adopts New Recognition Policy
  Media Release   Cambridge, July 24, 2017 – Baseball Ontario has adopted a new policy for the recognition and inclusion of alternative programs operating in the province of Ontario.  

The proposal, which was reviewed with (a) the Executive of the PBLO and the PBLO membership; (b) the steering committee for the CPBL, who have confirmed it with their membership; (c) the steering committee of Baseball Ontario’s Elite Division; and (d) the board of Baseball Canada, was approved at the Rep Council meeting July 23rd by an overwhelming majority of voters.


Baseball Ontario believes that the Recognition Proposal provides the following benefits to its members:

  1. A clear process and criteria by which recognition can be determined
  2. Protection for the viability of community baseball in that the key stakeholders in the province have supported maintain alternative baseball at the 15U to 18U levels
  3. Achieving a consensus and commitment from the key stakeholders in the province
  4. Respect for Baseball Ontario’s role as the provincial sport organization
  5. Consistency with long term athlete development principles


The Policy:


  1. Rep Council shall automatically recognize any baseball program operating in Ontario which:
    1. submits to Baseball Ontario an application in the form approved by Rep Council;
    2. pays the fees established by Rep Council; and
    3. operates only at the 15U to 18U levels, with no 13U or younger teams.
  2. Recognized programs will be required to provide to Baseball Ontario a roster of the players participating on each of the program’s teams. The recognized program will be required to update the roster filed with Baseball Ontario as changes are made to the roster.
  3. Recognized programs will be required to purchase insurance through Baseball Ontario at the member rate.
  4. A recognized program that is found to be operating, directly or indirectly, a 13U or younger team will automatically have its recognition suspended and will become a non-recognized program.
  5. Subject to point 4, recognition shall be effective from August 1 of one year (or the date the application is received if after August 1) until July 31 of the subsequent year.


So long as a program is recognized, the following shall apply:

a)      teams from the recognized program may play OBA rep teams or other OBA recognized teams with no penalties or sanctions for either team;

b)      teams from the recognized program may play in OBA elite tournaments (if the tournament host accepts the team’s application to the tournament);

c)       teams from the recognized program will not be eligible for OBA Elimination tournaments or OBA Rep Play-offs, unless the team complies with all residency requirements of P1 (i.e. all required release are obtained, the team registers with and is approved by an Affiliated Association, etc.);

d)      players from the recognized program will be eligible to also register with an OBA rep team in compliance with section P1.12 e).

e)      players from the recognized program are eligible to try out for the Ontario Youth Team operated by Baseball Ontario; and

f)       players from the recognized program will be considered to be registered with Baseball Ontario for purposes of eligibility for the Canadian Junior National Team.


More details on the policy and the application form are available at



Mary-Ann Smith

Administrative Director

Baseball Ontario

3-131 Sheldon Drive

Cambridge, N1R 6S2


Fax: 519.740.6311