Jun 10, 2020 | WOBA Secretary | 819 views
COVID-19 Update, Around the Horn, and McGill University Study
Here's what's happening this week!
Baseball Ontario is pleased to see that the Province of Ontario is moving some regions into Stage 2 ofits reopening plan! The Board of Management is meeting Thursday to finalize our Return to Sport Protocol.
The Board of Management is meeting Thursday to finalize our Return to Sport Protocol. Please stay tuned Friday for an announcement following this meeting with an update on baseball in Ontario, delivered by email, through social media and on our website!
Return to Sport OnDeck!
Baseball Ontario has created a hub for Return to Sport within our OnDeck platform! This can be accessed by computer, tablet or smartphone!
Local Season Status Update
We have heard reports that some local associations have already made a determination on their season for some or all of the programs they offer. If your local has cancelled some or all of your season, please let us know!
“Around the Horn"
Join us tonight for Hitting Hot Stove with:
Brian Green
Monte Lee
Matt Lisle
Tonight at 8:00pm!
Positive youth development and youth sports during the COVID-19 Pandemic
McGill University is studying the effects of not being able to play baseball, and sports in general, on youth. Baseball Ontario and Baseball Canada are supporting this research and encourage you to complete the survey if you are able!
Summer Games Postponed
The London Games Organizing Committee, in partnership with the Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism, and Culture Industries, announced this week that the London 2020 Ontario Summer Games have officially been postponed to 2021.


BEC Drill:
Pitching Throwing Drills
Scott Robinson!



Baseball Canada’s Instructional Videos and Vlog Season 5
continues with...
The DH Rule!

Baseball Canada National Teams Director, Greg Hamilton, joined the Blue Jays Baseball Academy to talk about the development pipeline in Canada and his expertise in developing amateur players.

All Deadlines/Tasks/Events/Reminders can be found on our Baseball Ontario Calendar of Events.Remember to visit frequently!
· 'Around the Horn' special edition! Hitting Round Table, June 10, 8pm
· 'Around the Horn' June 17, 8pm
· 'Around the Horn' season finale! June 24, 8pm