Jul 15, 2020 | WOBA Secretary | 993 views
Petition re: Stage 3, Umpires Return to Baseball, Lab Challenge Results!
This week's news...
The INSIDE PITCH - Keeping you informed

The Government announced Stage 3 this week, and has released updated Emergency Orders. For the first time in 2020, we can have full team practices, scrimmages and play baseball games, starting Friday! The challenge however, is a social bubble is being implemented for team sports. The bubble means that a league will be restricted to 50 players, and players cannot compete with players outside their own league.
Baseball Ontario would like to encourage all our members to sign our petition to change the restriction placed on team sport to be limited to leagues of 50 players.
To:Premier Ford and the Government of Ontario
That the Government of Ontario change the Rules for Areas in Stage 3, O. Reg. 364/20, by deleting paragraph 8(1)6 of Schedule 2 or otherwise amending it so that team sports are not limited to leagues of 50 players.
By selecting yes, I agree to add my name and email address to this petition.
Please submit your support by Sunday, July 19th!
Umpires: Stay Tuned!
Coming Thursday, Baseball Ontario will be releasing more details for Umpires with respect to Return to Baseball.
We will update umpires on how to complete the 2020 requirements and provide details on the modified positioning as outlined in our Return to Baseball Protocols.
Stay tuned to our Social Media channels and look for an email tomorrow!
Ontario Teams Perform Well in #LabChallenge!
A competition centred on physical fitness challenged athletes to improve their performance while competing against other athletes across the country. Congratulations to all participants, and especially to the male and female athletes from Ontario on their outstanding performances!

BEC Drill:
Championship Culture
Nick Mingione

Special Offer from our Partner, Nothers!
· Rep Council Meeting (Online) - July 26th, 10am
· Select Roster Deadline - August 1st
· Rep Roster Deadline - August 1st
· Insurance Applications - August 1st
· Challenger Baseball National Jamboree (Online) - August 8th 11:30am
This weekly publication is being sent to Local & Affiliate contacts, Coaches, Adult Umpires, Sponsors, Rep and Select Council Contacts and Board of Management.
Baseball Ontario3-131 Sheldon DriveCambridge, Ontario N1R6S2 Canada