Jul 26, 2020 | WOBA Secretary | 953 views
2021 Baseball Tryouts
Information regarding team tryouts for the 2021 season with respect to return to play protocols and government regulations...

With respect to 2021 team tryouts, 2020 Return to Baseball (Covid-19) and the Provincial Government regulations regarding sporting activities, it is Baseball Ontario’s position that:
Teams holding tryouts are limited to the gathering sizes applicable to where they are located.Stage 2 limit: 10 persons; Stage 3 limit: 100 persons
2021 Team tryouts are considered training, not practices or games, and do not constitute a league, and therefore do not establish a social gathering bubble of 50 players
While players can only practice and play in one league of 50 players, they are free to try out for one or more 2021 team by attending those team(s) tryout(s)
All tryout events must adhere to Baseball Ontario's Return to Baseball protocols and provincial government and applicable public health requirements with respect to physical distancing and cleaning and sanitizing of facilities and equipment
Gold Partner National Sports Offer
All COVID-19 waivers, consent form, declaration and attendance tracker, as well as the protocols and resources, are available in our OnDeck platform.
Thank you for your continued dedication to our sport, and we look forward to seeing you on the diamond!