Great News for Umpires, News (Western Ontario Baseball Association)

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May 29, 2021 | WOBA Secretary | 824 views
Great News for Umpires
WOBA will be keeping the online umpire training open for Level 1 and Level 2 until August 31st.

What does this mean?...

If you are new and want to learn to umpire baseball or someone returning to umpire who has not yet certified this year, you have the opportunity to sign up and complete the bookwork (the practical component) of the respective level.  This will allow you to then advance to the next level in 2022 regardless if you get any field time or games in 2021.  The practical component is continuing education for umpires to prepare them for games.

Once the season does open up in the next couple of months the WOBA will be offering a on field session conducted by Allyn Ward and Annette Hogarth at this time.

Advantages:  Costs less than an in-person clinic... You continue to advance in your umpire education...  You do not lose a year of certification and then drop down a level when returning in 2022.

Register through your umpire profile set up with Baseball Ontario's returning umpire registration link.   Make sure you select WOBA as the location host and submit your registration.

If you are new, over the age of 12 and would like to learn how to umpire you can begin by visiting the umpire website and set up you new profile by clicking on "Online Forms" and then clicking on "Umpire registration for individual umpires". New umpire link Select WOBA as the location host and submit your registration.

The WOBA will then approve registrants, communicate with them with respect to fees and timeline and when the applicant has paid their fees arrangements will be made for the applicant to receive their log in information.

Note:  Vulnerable Sector checks(VSC) must be completed by umpires 18yrs and older.  Certification will not be awarded until both the online clinic and the VSC is completed.  If you require information regarding this contact [email protected]