Jun 26, 2021 | WOBA Secretary | 1069 views
Inside Pitch-August Madness Edition
Commissioner's Corner, EBLO Info Session, Summer Games Update, and more!
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Baseball Ontario President, Ed Quinlan, speaks with Rep Commissioner Justin Snively-Topping and Select Commissioner David Black about the upcoming August Madness Provincial Championship Tournament!
EBLO Info Session
Sunday, June 27, 5pm
Who Should Attend? Any team or local who is not currently a member participant in the EBLO and wishes to join the EBLO in 2022.
What You'll Learn - The requirements to join the EBLO and the requirements to stay with the EBLO beyond your first year.
I'm Interested! What's next? Register for the online meeting!
Select Division members received an email for the Special Meeting happening Sunday, June 27th at 7pm. Check your email or reach out to
[email protected]!
The 2021 Ontario Summer Games (postponed from 2020) have been cancelled. The next games will be in Mississauga August 11-14, 2022. The games will return to London in 2024.

Senior Provincials
ICYMI: Baseball Ontario will host a Town Hall event for Senior Teams re: 2021 Provincials once the government releases the details for Step 2 and Step 3.
The date of the Town Hall will be determined once the Regulations become available. To sign up to be part of the Town Hall meeting please complete the sign-up form!



Register by July 8th!
Now accepting registrations for teams to compete in the 2021 Provincials!



Baserunning: Philosophy to Execution
Gary Gilmore!




In Ontario, and across the country, we have a lot of talent to be proud of!
Did you know Baseball Canada has a page dedicated to tracking CDNs in MLB?
Check it out!

· August Madness registration deadline (Select and Rep) July 8, 2021
· Board of Management Meeting (Online), July 15th, 7pm
· Select Council Meeting (Online), July 18th, 11am
· Rep Council (Online), July 25th, 10am
This weekly publication is being sent to Local & Affiliate contacts, Coaches, Adult Umpires, Sponsors, Rep and Select Council Contacts and Board of Management.