1 Month or more before the tournament start date |
WOBA local host is selected.
Host evaluates venues and books appropriate fields. If there are any issues (i.e. holes in fencing) advise venue management so that issues may be resolved in time and prior to the tournament.
Host Informs local Umpire In Chief/umpiring staff to ensure availability & canvasses local volunteers to assist with the day of the tournament; field convenors, pitch counters, scorekeepers, diamond maintenance crew.
Host orders extra baseballs and required supplies. Example: 9U Rookie tournament requires pitching machines, electrical source for pitching machines and specialty baseballs; 10U/11U requires large-sized home plates for each diamond; 14U/15U and older requires pitching mound(s).
If hosting Minor rookie, the Host is responsible to ordering and incurring the cost for participation medals. The Host will also set a fee, that is in keeping with past practices of prior one day "FUN" tournament.
July WOBA BOD meeting |
- League team commitment forms due to BOD at their July meeting.
- BOD evaluates each entry of each age group and will set the approximate number of divisions for each age group, with the purpose that teams play at a division comparable to their level of play.
- If necessary, the BOD will move a team to a different division than played during season play baring statistical and other information regarding a team.
- All decisions will be based on the merit of information provided.
WOBA will order awards & banners for Major Rookie and above and arrange deliver with the host.
3 weeks prior to the tournament |
- Deadline for unreported scores of league games played to date must be reported on line.
Secretary will calculate the team standings as noted in Appendix 1(3) of the WOBA Handbook.
- Secretary will converse with co-president and/or the tournament Convenor regarding any situation where several teams have similar statistical standings and may consult with a WOBA VP to assist in final decision as to the teams, or the number of teams in a division, or if another division is to be added to the tournament.
3-2.5 weeks prior to the tournament |
Secretary to provide Host/Convenor with the division and list of teams as well as team contact information.
- If more than one local host for an age group, a Host may contact their divisional teams to advise them which local association will be hosting their specific division. This will provide families with a head-up as to which local is hosting their respective year-end tournament.
3-2 weeks prior to the tournament |
- Host Convenor to submit tournament schedule to appropriate WOBA VP (North/South) or designate for approval.
- Host Convenor to submit rules (i.e. time limits if different from league play's time limits) and any unique local rules to appropriate WOBA VP (North/South) or designate for approval.
NOTE... No schedule/rules package is to be distributed to teams until it has received approval by the VP or designate.
- Any team that withdraws after the schedule has been published will be fined the amount equal to the tournament fee had the team participated. Appendix 3 Schedule of Fees and Charges.
2-1.5 weeks prior to the tournament |
Host/Convenor to send APPROVED schedule package to teams. Include rules, fees due, notifications, your contact information or field supervisor contact information.
Providing parents/teams with any extra local information is optional (i.e. pools, local festivals, farmers market)
Host/Convenor to provide copy of schedule to WOBA Secretary/webmaster for inclusion on affiliate website.
Host/Convenor should provide copy of schedule and tournament rules to local Umpire in Chief/scheduler.
up to 1 week prior to the tournament |
If required, (due to unforeseen issues that may impact a schedule e.g. umpire availability, team withdrawing) send out approved REVISED game schedule to teams.
Secretary/webmaster must also be informed of schedule amendments so that posted tournament schedules on WOBA website remain current.
Establish members for a protest committee. Specifics discussed in this manual.
Assess distances from each centre to the host centre (using online maps) to determine who calls the coin flip. The team furthest away traditionally makes the call.
week of and in days ahead of tournament start |
Secretary will provide copy of rosters and any call up rosters of teams attending your tournament. These are not to be redistributed.
within days ahead of tournament start |
NOTE if a team withdraws within 7 days prior to start:
- i) Should a team withdraw within 7 days prior to the start of the tournament the Convenor and WOBA VP and/or designate, and if required an executive member, will revisit the schedule and make any adjustments as deemed necessary.
- ii) If due to timing of a team withdrawing and the decision is to leave the schedule of a round robin format as formerly approved, the scheduled game will be deemed as forfeited and the opponent will record a win and points awarded for the win. The forfeited game will not record a score, nor will a score apply to tie breakers when determining teams who advance. Only the actual games played may be used in the tie breaker formula.
- ii) If due to timing of a team withdrawing and the decision is to leave the schedule of a double elimination format as formerly approved, the opponent(s) will be awarded a forfeited game win and the schedule will not be amended except for game times of remaining games for the calendar day(s) that have been affected by a team withdrawing from the schedule.
start day |
Arrive early.
Walk about venue to ensure cleanliness and safety. Ensure diamonds and supplies are prepped.
Greet teams and collect tournament fees upon a team's arrival.
Provide teams with sign-in sheets which must be returned to you prior to the team's first game.
Umpires to sign in upon arrival and ensure they are familiar with their umpiring schedule and the rules of the tournament.
during tournament dates |
- Post or have available for teams the game schedule and results.
- Provide game results daily (or twice daily) to secretary/webmaster for affiliate website posting.
- Post or have available for teams the player pitch count stats and have stats available for each team prior to each game.
- Report ejections, incidents and abuse to WOBA VP / WOBA Umpire In Cheif as soon as possible. If necessary call police immediately. Online incident form (LINK) to be completed in timely fashion, preferable after the game and if possible before official(s), staff, volunteers or witnesses leave the park.
Ensure umpire completes online ejection form after their game and prior to leaving the park. Ejection reporting form found at (LINK)
Advise player/parents of injured player, or injured umpires or coaches that they are to report injuries to OBA within 30 days. (LINK--info on OBA website under Safe Sport >Risk Management tab)
- Tend to umpire concerns if local Umpire In Chief is not available.
- Tend to team concerns and inquiries as required or necessary.
Amend schedule if inclement weather or lighting issues arise. Inform teams and Secretary/webmaster of amended schedule.
Sit back and enjoy the games.
upon completion of tournament |
Complete Convenors on-line report (LINK) and provide any additional information relevant to tournament.
Assemble all game sheets, sign-in sheets, pitch count and tracking sheets for submission by local BOD Rep member at next WOBA BOD meeting.